What’s business about if it’s not about growth?
Growth is the ultimate objective of business and achieving an increase in turnover and profitability is a pursuit that occupies the thoughts of leaders of companies of all sizes.
However, for many, in recent times growth has proved elusive. It should be no surprise that if individual businesses are finding it hard to grow, then national economies are going to struggle too.
The recovery from the financial crash of 2008 and the Great Recession that followed could well be described as stop-start. For many companies it was something of a lost decade where the drive for forward momentum never really got out of 2nd gear… and then Covid hit!
One route to growing the bottom line is to reduce the cost base and strip out inefficiency. This is a route that many companies have pursued at various times over the last 15 years. However, although this may ‘massage the figures’ to produce the perception of growth, it is hardly part of a long-term strategy that’s repeatable year on year (YoY). It’s simply a short-term measure.
Goldfish.ie game-changing technology
Many companies have invested in technology to increase efficiency and reduce fixed costs. For some this has meant cutting the wages bill by using software automation, replacing manual labour that carries out low-value admin tasks. However, some technologies can deliver much more value than this.
Goldfish.ie VoIP voice calling is a great example of a technology that is a game-changer. It doesn’t just produce a short-term boost to the bottom line, it is capable of driving sustained growth, YoY.
It does this through efficiency and by providing features that improve productivity and which save time. However, the advantages reach way beyond this. The ultimate benefit is in improving customer satisfaction (CSAT). This boosts retention by reducing churn rates, equating to an increase in lifetime value (LTV) – a tangible manifestation of the elusive growth that businesses seek.
Promoting growth with Goldfish.ie VoIP voice calling
Key features that contribute to increased levels of customer satisfaction include:
Call recording
Call recording allows both incoming calls and outgoing calls to be securely recorded, stored and accessed. Digital audio quality captures both sides (or all sides for conference calls) with crystal clear audio clarity. Recording drives quality management of your processes for sales, customer service, and support or any other instance where your employees interact with customers.
Recording improves employee practice and performance by identifying training issues, as well as successful practices, such as high conversion scripts. Recording also enables forensic examination of information exchanged on calls, guaranteeing accuracy over details, making them invaluable for the process of managing disputes.
Call Director (IVR)
The IVR feature of Goldfish VoIP B2B voice call systems lets you efficiently manage inbound calls by directing callers to the relevant department or individual quickly and easily. Call Director automatically answers calls by picking up, greeting and presenting IVR options, eliminating the need for receptionist or inbound team pick up.
This saves time by providing a self-service facility for external callers to point calls to the correct department, reducing the time spent transferring calls. This approach also increases your business professionalism by eliminating untidy telephony practices. Call Director enhances customer satisfaction by improving the customer experience by providing a better customer journey.
Seamless hybrid working
This has been one of the significant changes that have fallen out of Covid. Providing this capability for flexible working is now one of the most highly sought employee benefits. But it’s not just about employee wants. It provides excellent benefits that contribute to CSAT.
Goldfish.ie is perfect for hybrid working, allowing calls to be made and received through a browser, desk phone, softphone or smartphone app. The platform connects customers or other callers with your team seamlessly. Wherever they are working, the VoIP platform provides a virtual switchboard in the cloud.
Your staff can be part of the first response pick-up group to take inbound calls. They can answer calls to their direct dial number (DDI), transfer calls and pick up voicemails left for them.
Seamless hybrid working provides resource flexibility and the ability to provide a consistent customer experience. Inbound call pick up doesn’t suffer because pick up group staff should always be seamlessly available, with account managers able to deal with their assigned customers.
Start growing your business with Goldfish.ie
Whether you are an existing VoIP customer or are thinking of switching to a virtual switchboard in the cloud, Goldfish.ie VoIP delivers better quality and an enhanced customer experience over services from other VoIP providers. That’s because we utilise and incorporate higher quality elements within our service that ultimately deliver better value.
Discover the Goldfish difference today
To get started with a Goldfish VoIP solution today, just sign up
Questions? Just call us on 01 554 7888 (option 2) or email us instead at sales@goldfish.ie